Hi! My name is Jonathan Stark and I’m a mobile consultant who helps credit unions thrive in the post-PC era. Prior to specializing on CU’s, I worked with companies like CVS, Staples, Time, T-Mobile, and many others on their mobile strategy, tactics, and training. Unlike other consultants, you’ll work directly with me instead of with junior employees who bill you hundreds of dollars per hour to learn on the job.
I’ve written three books on mobile and web development, most notably O’Reilly’s Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which is available in seven languages.
My Jonathan’s Card experiment made international headlines by combining mobile payments with social giving to create a “pay it forward” coffee movement at Starbucks locations all over the U.S.

I’ve been interviewed in the media many times, including MSNBC, the Wall Street Journal, and the Alan Colmes Show. Press info, bios, blurbs, photos, and videos are available on my press page.
You can hear me speak, watch the HTML5 talk show that I host for Intel, listen to my future tech podcast (co-hosted with the incomparable @kellishaver), peruse my favorite quotes, follow me on Twitter / YouTube / LinkedIn, subscribe to my newsletter, or hire me to help you with mobile strategy or mobile training.
And of course, you can always Google me for more info.